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Discover powerful features.

Elevate your business with our cutting-edge charity platform. Seamlessly manage campaigns, boost donations, and drive success with our innovative solutions.

Feature-Rich & Customisable Tools

Open up a world of amazing features with Pillar, helping your charity reach new heights and achieve its greatest potential.


Easy to use website

We built our platform with ease of use at the forefront for both the set-up of causes and campaigns and also for the donor, with a simple 2-step checkout.

Donation Calculators

Allow your donors to fulfil their religious duties with our Zakat Calculator, or add an enabler for the Payroll Giving Scheme with our Salary Sacrifice Calculator.

Recurring Donations

Daily, weekly, monthly. Schedule regular payments for any time-span. Our Nights of Power functionality allows for fixed-time donations.

Secure Donor Accounts

Donors can create and manage their profiles, tracking their donation history and setting preferences for future contributions.

Flexible Payment Methods

Pillar supports a variety of payment options, catering to donor convenience and preferences such as Apple Pay & Google Pay.

Interactive Fundraising

Visual tools that show donors the progress towards fundraising goals, motivating and engaging them in the cause.

Integration & Compliance

Third-Party Integrations

For enterprise-level needs, Pillar offers bespoke integrations, seamlessly align with your sophisticated operational requirements.

GDPR Compliant

Pillar ensures GDPR compliance, storing and protecting donor data and respecting privacy regulations.

Data Protection and Privacy

Advanced security features safeguard sensitive donor data, adhering to privacy standards and building trust.

Financial Reporting

Financial reporting and dashboard views for accurate reporting tools for transparency and accountability.

Administration Features

Transaction Management

Offering comprehensive transaction management, purpose-built from the outset for effective donation handling

Donation Tracking and Reporting

Provides comprehensive tools for tracking donations, generating reports, and analysing donation patterns for strategic planning.

Donor Profiling and Segmentation

Enables detailed tracking of donor information, preferences, and behaviours, allowing targeted engagement strategies.

Customisable Dashboard

Features a tailor-made dashboard that provides a quick overview of key metrics and campaign performance.

Recurring Donation Management

Facilitates easy setup and management of recurring donation programs, ensuring steady funding streams.

Donation Cart & Payments

Flexible Donation Cart Options

Allows donors to customise their donation amounts for specific causes to contribute to within a single transaction.

Gift Aid Integration

For UK charities, includes an option for donors to add Gift Aid to their donations, increasing the value of their contributions at no extra cost to them.

Instant Donation Confirmation

Provides immediate confirmation and receipts for donations, ensuring a smooth and reassuring transaction experience.

Multiple Payment Methods

Supports a variety of payment options, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, bank transfers, and Apple Pay and Google Pay.

Recurring Donation Setup

Enables donors to easily set up recurring donations, choosing their preferred frequency and amount directly from the donation cart.

We believe Pillar is essential for charity growth

For over a decade, we've seen charities struggle with outdated websites, broken donation processes, and crucial fundraising setbacks. Recognising this, we leveraged two decades of agency experience and a deep understanding of the charity sector to launch Pillar in early 2022.

Pillar stands as the essential solution for charities. Our expertise is dedicated to revolutionising your online presence, simplifying donation processes, and guaranteeing steadfast website performance during crucial fundraising events.

Empowering charities
of every size with equal choice and control

Our mission is to help charities grow their donations and donor base by providing a strong online presence. Tools to help charities focus more on the things that matter to them and their recipients.

Pillar empowers charities to manage their own content, appeals, and crucially, their data, facilitating increased fundraising and extending their reach to help more people.

Discover your true digital potential

Get in touch today and we can demonstrate how Pillar can help you grow your donor base.

Upcoming Features

What’s on the way...

Discover a sneak peek of the exciting features we have in store for you, designed to enhance and optimise your charity's digital presence.

Coming Soon

eCommerce Shop

Fully integrated to help you sell products to engage your donors.

In Beta

Fundraising Module

Supercharge campaigns with integrated crowdfunding.

Coming Soon

Event Promotion

Promote both free and paid events seamlessly.

On the Roadmap

Volunteer Management

Manage volunteer sign-ups and coordination.


User Accounts

Enable donor account creation for enhanced engagement, stored receipts.



Accept multiple currency options with ease on your website.

Coming Soon


Translate your pages into multiple languages for better accessibility.

In Beta

Donor Wall

Display your top supporters to show appreciation and recognition.

Answering common
platform questions

Explore our FAQ’s to discover how Pillar can revolutionise your charity's fundraising, donor management, and overall impact.

Pillar sets itself apart with its unique blend of customisable features, a fully fledged website, integrated CRM, and user-friendly design, all tailored specifically for charity needs.

Pillar ensures GDPR compliance for your charity by storing donor options and allowing for adjustment or removal when the need arises.

Yes, Pillar can seamlessly integrate with your existing marketing tools, enhancing your overall strategy and workflow efficiency as well as saving you money.

Coordinating fundraising campaigns across multiple channels can be challenging, leading to inconsistent messaging and difficulty in tracking campaign performance

Our unified system enables coordinated campaign management, ensuring consistent messaging across the website and other communication channels, and provides tools for tracking and analysing campaign success.

Pillar provides comprehensive support and training for new users, including detailed tutorials, responsive customer service, and hands-on guidance to ensure a smooth onboarding experience.

Nope, not us. Pillar has a simple monthly platform fee, no matter how generous your donors are, especially in peak periods.

Pillar's CRM enables straightforward and secure data export, ensuring efficient retrieval and transfer of information while maintaining data integrity and security.

Pillar typically requires a minimum commitment of 24 months, providing stability and continuity for charities, while still offering flexibility in contract terms beyond this period.